miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Liking Someone

I am pretty sure everyone has gone through liking a person. Sometimes it turns out to be nothing but a crush. Eventually the attraction towards the person fades away. Sometimes, the person you like coincidentally also likes you, and then you end up dating each other.  Then you go through a phase, where you can’t stand being away from each other… And the best part is, since you guys are dating, you can show almost all the emotions you couldn’t show when you were just friends. BEST PART EVER. But eventually, one of them will get heartbroken. You can never become too dependent on the person you like, because the second he/she decides that they don’t like you anymore, everything around you seems to spiral downward. You feel devastated, and it feels like you have lost control of what is going on around you.  That’s why it’s important to keep a balance in your life, between friends and boy/girlfriends and family. Cause one of those people are bound to let you down from time to time. Just a piece of advice from me.

I always wonder why do humans bother liking a person, when they know that at one point of that relationship, one of you will end up hurt?  I guess this question is better unanswered…

zoxo, Justme

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Pros and Cons of Blogging

So far I’ve been blogging for about two months.  Blogs are for writing about anything, ranging from talking about your life or just about your hobbies. While this is one of the pros of blogging, there are always the cons that come along with it.  So that’s why I’m going to make a list of pros and cons of blogging

1)      You can release your stress through blogging.
Don’t you guys sometimes have those days when everything seems to go wrong in every turn? Well, it definitely happens to me. But blogging never goes wrong. You can write about what you are feeling in the moment, and release all the emotions that were locked up in you the whole day. Of course, blogging isn’t your private diary so you can’t exactly write EVERYTHING you feel, or mention your friends in it. But at least writing a little something about it can be a bit comforting.
2)      Once again, you can write about anything you like.
Just ate some amazing salmon at a restaurant across the street? You can blog about it. Just spent an awesome time with your best friends? You can also blog about it. The range of things that you can blog about is almost endless. I honestly do not get how some people cannot find something to write about! That’s pretty much the beauty of blogging. You can also share your ideas to others, which can be pretty good in many ways. Just imagine, somebody in the other side of the world reading your blog!

1)    It possible that your friends are reading your blog.
I kind of consider blogging as my own diary. There are things that I don’t mind if complete strangers would read, but there are also things that I would hate my friends to read about me on my Blog. That’s what shrinks the amount of topics I want to talk about. It also causes me to not write about my true self, if you know what I mean.

In general, I love blogging. It lets me explore what I really like and sometimes research about something more to write about it in my blog. I’d probably keep blogging, even if it is not required by my English class. Viva blogging! lol :)

Xoxo, Justme